For the majority of the time, credit card companies will offer reward points that can be redeemed for frequent flyer miles. Depending on your terms with the company when you signed up, the conversion process may be different for everyone. Good research and preparation it is possible to obtain free flights to any destination or […]
Month: April 2018
Beginners Guide To Miles & Points: Types of Miles & Points
There is quite of bit of frequent flyer lingo out there, and it can be intimidating if you’re unsure about what these words mean! Here are some types of miles/points to walk you through this with ease: Airline Miles and Hotel Points Fixed-Value Points Flexible/Transferable Points In this post we will discuss various types of […]
12 Worst Airport Lounges in The World
Flying with credit card points or accumulated airline miles means you’re probably traveling first class. And with first class, comes airport lounges. However, not everything is so rosy when it comes to first class lounges. We scoured the web and below we present to you the 12 worst airport lounges in the world below. Check […]