It is pretty safe to assume that most people in today’s time own a credit card. Credit cards are excellent sources of currency that can earn you tons of rewards. Not only do certain credit cards building your credit score, but you can turn some of those reward points into travel miles. If you love […]
Category: Our Blog
How To Keep American Airline Miles From Expiring
For a frequent flyer, there is nothing more disturbing or frustrating than logging into your frequent flyer account and realizing that all those accrued miles are gone. All that time and money that you spend building up those miles and now they are gone. When you consider the fact that American Airline miles expire after […]
How To Donate Airline Miles
Did you know that you can really do a lot of good with your airline miles? Most people that are constantly traveling save their miles and never even end up using them. Some people will use their miles for free tickets or upgrades. That being said if you are looking to do some good, you […]
How To Buy Airline Miles From Someone
All airline will offer some type of frequent flyer rewards system. And, these systems are a great way to take advantage of travel luxuries and save money. With these points, you can travel first-class or business much cheaper than you would normally be able to. If you have enough miles, you might even be able […]
Lufthansa Airlines Vs Competitors
Lufthansa Airlines was founded in January of 1953. Today, the company is the largest German airline. When its subsidiaries are taken into consideration, it is the largest airline in all of Europe. Lufthansaa has a reputation as being one of the best airlines in the world. Below, you’ll learn how it stacks up to the […]
20 Effective Ways to Earn Airline Miles without a Credit Card
Can You Earn Airline Miles without a Credit Card? Yes. Don’t like credit cards? Well, welcome to the club. A study conducted by Princeton University revealed that only 35% of all people over the age of 30 don’t have one. To make things even more whooping, some 63% of the participants (age ranging from 18 […]
Do Passenger Planes Ship Freight or Cargo?
Airlines are known for getting passengers from point A to point B. And as far as passengers are concerned, planes are good for transportation – they need to get somewhere fast, and the planes will take them there, along with their luggage. Planes can do more than just transport people – in addition to people […]
Airline Miles vs. Credit Card Points
70.000 of basically anything seems like quite a lot, but it doesn’t help much when trying to answer a key question: what is the worth of those airline miles or credit card points? Well, that depends on the rewards program, what you redeem them for, and the credit card. So no, that’s not the most […]
Airline Miles vs. Cashback – Everything You Need to Know
Everyone loves credit cards that reward, but which one is the most rewarding one? Here we take a look at airline miles and cashback to help you decide which one suits you most. However, it needs to be pointed out that we all have unique spending habits. That means for someone airline miles bring higher […]
Citi Thankyou Points vs. Citi Double Cashback
Not many financial decisions can be considered as cut and dried, day and night, right or wrong. In this particular case, we are comparing Citi Thankyou points and the Citi Double cashback card. The idea is to understand which one brings greater value to the user. To that end, we will analyze each program and […]